Waking up we discovered how beautiful location our hotel actually has. The restaurant lies ON the river Niger. The pool has a bar and WiFi. The rooms big, comfortable and AC. Great atmosphere, good food and amazing people!
The riverbank with the hotel well situated.
Relaxing by the poolside. We reiterated the whole journey from how people changed to how much we experienced.
Lounging by the pool. Blog updating, some beers and sun. We had a very important descision to make: Is it too dangerous to continue? It was up to each individual to decide for themselves what they wanted to do. A delegation from the group was sent out to hear the latest from the police, the military and the government. After having pondered team Mirage decided to not go further. Of the 19 original members 8 wanted to go.
It was time to take farewell to our noble steed "The Beast". Mo is giving our car a huge good-bye hug.
Daniel is here sitting on the hood of their car. The four cars (Team Mirage "The Beast", Team Close Shave, Team Bluey and Team Fragile-X "Cherrie") that were not going to go on had been lined up before the potential buyers were going to come.
The sunset with our hotel in the background. In the picture is Ahmed entranced by the beautiful view.
The Sahara4x members: (Back from the left) Fergus, Liz, Vic, Mat, Eammon, Barbara, Mike, Liam, Jeremy, John, will, Daniel and Seamus
(Front form the left) Mo, Mark, Ahmed, Gus, Nick and Alex
After the group photo it was time for the "fines". Eammon had recorded peoples transgressions during the whole journey. Everyone got a fine! Some TWO :) Mo got a fine for "Dj:ing his way down Spain on the CB-radio", Daniel got a fine for "Smoking cigars" and Barbara as one out of two persons got TWO fines "She got engaged to Mike after only two beers" and "She killed a cute little blue bird while driving (We know it was blue because an explosion of feathers came in through the slide-roof, also, the bird did a few somersaults thereafter it landed on the hood two cars down the column :-D )"
Early Saturday morning the three cars from Disco Nights, The Rifles and 4x here seen leaving the hotel started on the last two legs towards Timbuktu. It was going to be a 600+200km of terrible road journey through the northern territories of Mali. Exit time: 06.30. It was a sensitive good-bye...

(Front form the left) Mo, Mark, Ahmed, Gus, Nick and Alex
After the group photo it was time for the "fines". Eammon had recorded peoples transgressions during the whole journey. Everyone got a fine! Some TWO :) Mo got a fine for "Dj:ing his way down Spain on the CB-radio", Daniel got a fine for "Smoking cigars" and Barbara as one out of two persons got TWO fines "She got engaged to Mike after only two beers" and "She killed a cute little blue bird while driving (We know it was blue because an explosion of feathers came in through the slide-roof, also, the bird did a few somersaults thereafter it landed on the hood two cars down the column :-D )"